SGA Meeting November 15th, 2015 PART ONE

The following is PART ONE of a summary of the SGA meeting, held at the campus center on Sunday, November 15, 2015.

 At 7:10PM, Charlie Bruce called the meeting to order. After roll call, meeting proceeded to announcements, which are as follows:

 Emergency Elections are ongoing right now! Nominations for COPS head and Election head end at 9AM November 16th. Candidates forum is at the campus center from 6-7 on November 19th. Voting starts next week, and lasts from the 23rd to the 24th of November. Email to nominate someone or if you have any questions!

 The November appointments round is here! Please go to the appointments blog, for committee descriptions, and for general information about the appointments process. Email with questions!

 SPECTRA is hosting a movie screening of “You Can Play” in honor of LGBT+ month. They are promoting the inclusion of all athletes in sporting events regardless of sexual orientation. The event will be held in the Campus Center from 7 to 8:30PM. Confirmed – K-Cass will be there, and there will be snacks!

 In other sporting news… Basketball plays Nazareth at 1PM on Saturday.

Swimming competes against Washington College on Saturday at 1pm. Swimming has also been raising money, through “Owls Fight For a Cure”, throughout the semester for breast cancer research. All proceeds are donated to Bryn Mawr Hospital. They raised about 500 dollars in the fall season. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far. Swimming is hosting an upcoming “Relay for a Cure” – to which KCass will be coming. It will be held on December 2nd.  

 The Fall Student Dance concert is this SaturdayNovember 21st  at 8PM in Marshall Auditorium! There will be free food! Contact and with questions or concerns.

 The Information and Stewardship council wants to make sure that everyone knows about “Securing the Human” on moodle. You should have been getting emails about learning how to stay secure online. Please take a look at the program and encourage everyone else to do that as well. Contact for more information, or if you have any questions.

 There will be a “Coming Out of the Closet” fashion show, hosted by Zami, at Thomas great hall from 7-9pm on November 19th. Contact for more information, or if you would like to model.

 Sociology is currently conducting a faculty search, and as such, will be hosting three guest lectures at Bryn Mawr. The First one was Monday, November 16th, in Dalton 300 at 4:30. The next two are coming up on Thursday 11/19 in Dalton 119 at 4:15. And the third is on Monday 11/23 in Dalton 119 at 4:15. The sociology department highly values student input and encourages anyone who is interested to go. Email the sociology major rep., Miranda Smith, at for more information.

 Next, we moved on to “Your Two Cents”:

 Coco Wang and Chanel Williams, the Class of ’16 co-presidents, took a straw poll on a potential change to the name “Garden Party Girls”. A quick background for those who are unfamiliar: Garden Party Girls are underclass people who help seniors organize their table on Erdman Green, the morning of graduation. Coco and Chanel are looking into changing the name because not everyone identifies as female. Their straw poll showed significant interest in changing the name. Email and/or

 Following Coco and Chanel, Charlie Bruce brought up the change in layout. This week, we used a circle set up, but that excluded a lot of people who arrived late and had to sit or stand outside of the circle. Charlie took a “fist of five” opinion of the new layout, which is a work in progress. We have decided to revert to the theatre set up at the next SGA meeting. Email with suggestions.

 Next, we moved on to “Community Guidelines”.

Last week, we talked about how Roberts Rule’s of Order is not very accessible to people who are unfamiliar with it. In other words, the vocabulary is not part of our vernacular, which can make people feel isolated. Thus, we are going to set up community guidelines for participating in conversations. We took suggestions on these new community guidelines, which included the following:

            Identifying yourself when you speak, so everyone in the space knows who you are.

            Not talking over anyone.

            Trust Intent – we all come to the SGA meeting with the assumption that everyone is here with the intention to talk toward resolution. We trust that we come to this space with the intent to be productive.

            Use I Statements.

            The 48 hour rule – Sometimes, someone will say something to you, but you are emotionally affected. So you take 48 to respond, after you have had time to process it, with more fully formed thoughts. (Is this a good wording?)

Email with more community guidelines.

 The meeting then turned to a discussion of recent events concerning posters that were put up over campus. Which will be detailed in PART TWO of this summary.